Note: Latest info is on top.
Expanded Song information for 9,527 songs from 931 films (1931-1940) added
Censor information for 1931-1940 films updated and expanded.
Expanded Song information for 6,434 songs from 959 films (1961-1970) added
Expanded Filmography for 959 feature films, 1961-1970 added
Expanded Song information for 9,289 songs from 1,160 films (1951-1960) added
Expanded Filmography for 1,160 feature films, 1951-1960 added
Censor information for 2001-2010 added.
Censor information for 1991-2000 added.
Censor information for 1981-1990 added.
Censor information for 1971-1980 added.
Censor information for 1961-1970 added.
Censor information for 1951-1960 added.
Film Titles and year up to 1980 added.
Censor information for 1941-1950 added.
Censor information for 1931-1940 added.
Some images from films, newspapers, magazines and film booklets added.
Website announced, sample censor, filmography and songs data added.